The plaid blanket scarf is undoubedtly the official winter accessory of 2015.
It usually doesn’t get too cold in Dallas, but the day I headed to Addison Circle Park to snap some photos to celebrate my last week in the Big D, it was FREEZING. The scarf actually is the size of a blanket and can be worn in so many ways!
I paired the scarf with a black turtleneck, boyfriend jeans, and my new favorite, super affordable heel (that was casually mistaken for Manolo Blahnik’s on more than one occasion) and was warm in no time at all.
For my big move to NYC, I may need to stock up a few more.
ASOS Blanket Scarf – Sold out but here are some great options! Here or Here
Boyfriend Jeans (My Favorite)
Photography: Stephanie Drenka
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[…] 1) The Accessory of the Season […]